Equipment PM Operators

Discover the secrets to improving productivity in the workplace with these game-changing tips and tricks.

Written By Nelson Alvarado ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Title and Description

·        Equipment Preventive Maintenance

A guide for our operators to maintain and protect our assets throughpreventive maintenance.


Responsible Department / Personnel

·        All Departments


o   Alloperators will servicecheck equipment as shown in the preventative maintenance guide.

o   Uponcompletion, operators will enter relevantinformation into Asset Panda


·        Crew Leaders


o   Crew Leaders will assist theoperators with the process and ensure the equipment is being servicedand will enterinformation into AssetPanda when completed.

·        Account Managers/Super Intendents


o   Account Managers will assignthe day that the operatorwill perform the service.

o  They will also review the information entered in Asset Panda.


·        Branch Managers/General Superintendents

o   Branch Managers will ensurethat all processes are completed weeklyor monthly as stated in next section.


·        Mechanics

o  Mechanics will ensure that all supplieswill be available for the services.


Completion Time and Frequency

·        Mowers/Pressure washers(20 minutes)

·        21” Mower (15 minutes)

·        Small engine (10 min)

·        Skid steer/Large equipment/Hydro Seeder/Water Tanks (10 min check)(additional 15 min pressure washing)




·        High Season (Aprilto September)

o   Mowers/Pressure washers/21” Mowers will be serviced oncea month during the highseason months (April, May, June, July, August, and September).


·        Slow Season (October – January)


o   Mowers/Pressure Washers/21” Mowerswill be serviced every other month during the slow seasonmonths (October, November,December, and January).

o  Small engine equipment, pre-season April and post season October

o  Skid steer/Trailer/Hydro seeder/Water tank - Daily




Preventative Maintenance Guide

·        Exmark Mower/Pressure Washers/21” Mower Preventative Service:

o  Conduct a visual inspection of the overall machinecondition.

o  Change the engine oil and filterif necessary.

o  Clean or replace the air filter and pre-filter as needed.

o  Inspect belts for signs of wear.

o  Sharpen or replace bladesif needed.

o  Check tire pressure.

o  Grease all fittings and inspect deck spindle bearingsand idler pulleys.


o   Scrape the underside of the deck.

o   Verify proper operation of all components.


·        Backpack Blower / Chainsaw / Tiller:


o  Remove the shell cover and cleanexcessive debris.

o  Clean or replace the air filter.

o  Adjust the trigger mechanism.


·        Stick Equipment:


o   Remove andgrease tube’s inner rod.

o  Apply grease to the equipment head.

o  Clean or replace the air filter as needed.

o  Use carburetor cleaner to remove excessive debris.

o  Regularly sharpen the blades


·        Skid Steer / Large Equipment/Hydro Seeder/Water Tanks

§ Daily Visual Inspection:


o  Check for oil and hydraulic leaks daily.

o  Monitor oil levels daily.

o  Inspect tracks or tiresdaily.

o   Perform weekly air filtercleaning to remove excessive debrisevery Friday.

o  Pressure wash the machinebefore changing projectsor locations.

o  Be attentive to any engine codes or performance issues daily.

o  Regularly clean excessive trashinside the cabindaily.

o  Grease any relevant pointsweekly every Friday.


·        Trailers

o   Visual Inspection (Daily during DOT). Conducta thorough visual inspection of trailer.

o  Inspect the tires for wear,damage, and proper inflation.

o   Hookup the trailer to the truck and test all lights (brake lights, turn signals, etc.).


o  Inspect the trailer tongue and ensure the safety pin is securely inplace.

o  Check the safety chains for any signs of wear ordamage.

o  Trailer brakes (if equipped) – inspect the trailer breakaway system.

o  Inspect fenders for any issues.

o  Check the boards on the trailer.

o  Look for any frame damageor structural issues.



Repair Process

§ If repairs are necessary, please follow thesesteps:

o   Submit a Mechanic Cognitoform to the respective branch.

o   Access the form in Asset Panda under your branch.

o    Oncethe form is submitted, coordinate with the Mechanic, Production Manager, Account Manager, or Branch Manager forfollow up.