To create a proposal for irrigation, log in to Crew.
The URL is:
Once logged in via home page click “Support Services Estimate”
* * Additionally, you can access via the tabs on the top of the page via the Estimates tab drop down and choose “Support Services Estimates”
Once in Support Services Estimates you will create a NEW proposal by clicking the green
“New Support Services Estimates” button.
You will then be brought to a blank template and start on the “Estimates” tab. You will enter your information in this portion to create your proposal.
Your first step should be choosing your branch, then click the Contract drop- down menu and Search for the property you are creating your proposal for.
Once you start typing the property in the Contract Field make sure that your contract number matches the property you are attempting to create the proposal for. Once you click the property, the Contract number automatically populates on your proposal.
The next piece of information to input will be your phase – which will be Irrigation. This is chosen from the Phase drop- down menu.
Once populated you will do the same with the Account Manager drop- down menu and find the Account Manager for your proposal. Once selected the individual’s contact information will auto – populate below it.
The last piece of information in this section is the short description that will name the ExakTime job to clock in to. This can only be 2-3 words. This can not exceed 3 words or the job will not process upon approval.
Now we will focus on the other section in the top portion of the Proposal. Typically you should match the Job Name to the name listed on the Contract Line. This allows for continuity between users. However, if this customer has multiple properties under one contract, then identify the specific property. If you have a property address you should include it in this section, if you do not have an address leave this section blank however, selecting the state is required.
You will include all requests on the Proposal in the “Scope of Work” section. Once you click the scope of work box a secondary box will populate. A description of the evaluation or repairs that will be covered under this proposal needs to be added. Select Save to add the scope of work to the proposal.
* Note: this is important in this section as it is attached to the Invoice for the billing department.
Once you have entered your Scope of Work make sure to put your name by the “Prepared by:” section. By using the drop-down menu you can find your name.
The top portion of your proposal is now complete. Check to make sure all boxes with a red asterisk are filled out and that all spelling, proper capitalization and punctuation are correct.
Moving on to the bottom portion of the proposal you will fill out each line item needed.
The first step of each line item is done by choosing the drop-down box for ‘type of each line’
You will choose either ‘Hard Materials/Aggregate’ OR ‘Subcontractor’
Next you will manually enter ‘1’ for quantity for each line needed. This allows for the rates to be calculated properly.
Next is entering the Description. If you entered detailed items in the scope of work, this description may only be one of two things:
‘Irrigation Repairs’ OR ‘Irrigation Eval’
* Note: this is not included in the drop-down box and will need to be manually typed.
If you need to provide more details than were given in the overall scope, you may do so here.
Irrigation Repair: type in notes needed OR Irrigation Eval: type notes needed
* Keep in mind that specifications should be listed at the bottom of the proposal.
These notes will reflect like this on the finished proposal making it more legible for customer:
Next is the Cost. If you are creating an estimate for self-performed work and have a material and hours breakdown from the irrigation department, you will choose Hard Materials as the line type and enter the total value of the materials under Cost and enter the total number of hours under Hours. The minutes should auto calculate from the hours entered.
Finally, you will modify the gross margin percentage to calculate the total selling price to the customer.
The gross margin percentage will fluctuate to help get the total selling price to the correct number. You will have to play with the numbers to show the correct cost for the customer in the total.
** This gross margin is not a set margin and will most likely appear lower than anticipated due to irrigation having margin included in materials. (This is different than enhancement proposals.)
If you are creating an estimate for subcontracted work, you will choose Subcontractor as the line type and enter the total to be paid to the subcontractor under Cost. No hours or minutes should be entered on this line. Adjust the gross margin to calculate the Total selling price to the customer.
* Note: If you have a proposal that contains both sub and self-work, you will need to choose the ‘Irrigation, Irrigation Sub’ phase from the Phase drop-down menu from the top section of the proposal. Not to be confused with ‘Irrigation - Sub’
Once all lines are created you will remove any additional lines not needed by selecting the trash can icon on the left. This needs to done by each line and does not have a mass delete option. This is required to correctly format the proposal when saved to send to customer as PDF.
Once lines are deleted, the bottom portion of your proposal should only show the line items with information included.
Additionally, if there are any specifications they should be manually typed in the specifications box. Each line represents a new specification. (Not all proposals require specifications)
Examples of possible specifications below:
- Not to exceed __ amount of $
- Additional proposal to come for another scope of work on the job, explaining that it is not included in this proposal.
If you have questions about your proposal and need assistance. Select the ‘Save as Draft’ button so that assistance can be provided, and you can go back and edit your proposal.
If a pop box appears with ‘Estimate Errors’, select yes and continue with prompts to save.
This will not affect your proposal and will save progress as is. This should only be used while actively creating your proposal, or when needing assistance and NOT as a way to store on CREW.
When you have completed your proposal, you will submit with the ‘Submit Estimate’ button on the bottom right.
Once submitted there will be another ‘Estimate Errors’ box that pops up. Select yes – so long as the error is in yellow and not red. The yellow error can be saved and gives you the option to do so, whereas the red error, indicates that more actions are required.
Yellow errors are not fatal but should not be ignored, red errors are fatal and must be fixed. Red errors need to be fixed before Submitting a proposal. Both are below:
You will then receive final confirmation to submit your proposal. Click yes and your proposal is ready for the account manager to access.